Why take chances with your investment?
Now you can protect yourself if your vehicle is totaled as a result of theft or collision!
In the event that your vehicle is declared a total loss as a result of an accident or the theft of your vehicle, your insurance company pays the actual cash value of the vehicle at the time of loss, not what you owe on the vehicle!
You remain liable for payment of the difference between your insurance company’s settlement and the balance of your loan/lease.
This deficiency, added to the amount of your deductible, and other expenses, can easily be thousands of dollars, dollars that come out of your pocket!
- All risk protection!
- Protection is provided for the term of your loan/lease, up to 84 months.
- Protection is applicable for vehicles valued up to $100,000.00!
- Benefits paid up to $50,000.00!
- Deductible covered up to $1,000.00!
- Minimal monthly cost!